Thursday, October 14, 2010

Almost ready to query!

With the help of a very supportive and helpful mother I've managed to get enough kid free time to finish off the most difficult round of editing so far. After sitting on my story for so long I knew all the things I needed to change for my book to make (the most) sense. Which meant tedious rewritting. Many, many, many trips back and forth through my manuscript and I'm done with those last important details.
Now it's a matter of re-reading and slight tweaking and I should be ready to query. I've been working on my query letter for over a year, knowing that it's by far the most important 250 works related to this book.
I'm hoping to test the waters by the end of the month.


  1. You go girl! I've been avoiding the query letter myself. Let us know how things go:0)

  2. Congratulations on getting there - post to let us know how it goes! Good vibes your way on the next steps! :)
