Monday, March 7, 2011

Almost forgotten

It's been a long time since I've paid any attention to my blog. After the hype from NaNo died down I've been laying pretty low. Our planned writing group, sadly, never got off the ground although we made a couple attempts at it.
I did gather up my courage and sent out a few more queries for my finished novel, jotted down some brewing ideas for a new story and made a half assed effort at designing a book cover for The Stone Sleepers.
My first batch of queries came back negative so after nursing my pride for a couple weeks I sucked it up (again) and sent out another batch today. My skin will thicken eventually.
I've been reading like a mad fiend, blowing through 30+ books already this year. I don't understand people who give their books away, I love rereading a series from start to finish before touching the latest release.
That basically wraps up the last few months, hopefully I'll have some good news to post here soon.